Command Reference
This the list of all command available within k3ai
To get the list simply type k3ai -h
k3ai is a lightweight infrastructure-in-a-box solution specifically built to
install and configure AI tools and platforms in production environments on Edge
and IoT devices as easily as local test environments.
k3ai [command]
Available Commands:
apply Apply a plugin or a plugin group
delete Delete a plugin or a plugin group
help Help about any command
init Initialize K3ai Client
list List all plugins or plugin groups
version Print CLI version
-h, --help help for k3ai-cli
--repo string URI for the plugins repository.
Use "k3ai-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
with apply you deploy the various plugins or group-plugins.
Apply a plugin or a plugin group
k3ai apply <plugin_name> [flags]
-g, --group Apply a plugin group
-h, --help help for apply
Global Flags:
--repo string URI for the plugins repository.
(default "")
With init you may deploy a cluster either local or remote
Initialize K3ai Client, allowing user to deploy a new K8's cluster,
list plugins and groups
k3ai init [flags]
k3ai init #Will use config from $HOME/.k3ai/config.yaml and use interactive menus
k3ai init --config /myfolder/myconfig.yaml #Use a custom config.yaml in another location(local or remote)
k3ai init --local k3s #Use config target marked local and of type k3s
k3ai init --cloud civo #Use config target marked as cloud and of type civo
--cloud string Options availabe for cloud providers
--config string Custom config file [default is $HOME/.k3ai/config.yaml] (default "/.k3ai/config.yaml")
-h, --help help for init
--local string Options availabe k3s,k0s,kind
Global Flags:
--repo string URI for the plugins repository.
(default "")
List is used to retrieve the available plugins or group-plugins
List all plugins or plugin groups
k3ai list [flags]
-g, --group List the plugin groups
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
--repo string URI for the plugins repository.
(default "")
Delete is used to remove a deployed plugin
Delete a plugin or a plugin group
k3ai delete <plugin_name> [flags]
-g, --group Delete a plugin group
-h, --help help for delete
Global Flags:
--repo string URI for the plugins repository.
(default "")
k3ai use a config file to support auomated deployment of cluster through the init command.
The sample template install by defauly KinD
kind: cluster
- name: localK3s #name of the cluster instance not the name of the cluster
enabled: false
type: k3s
config: "/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml" #default location of config file or your existing config file to copy
clusterName: demo-wsl-k3s #name of the cluster (this need to be the same as in a config file)
clusterDeployment: local
clusterStart: "sudo bash -ic 'k3s server --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'"
# If the OS is not needed may be removed so the three below are mutually exclusive, if not needed set them to null or remove it
wsl: ""
linux: " | K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE=644 sh -s -"
# Everything from this repo will be ran in this cluster. You trust me right?
- repo:
- repo:
- name: localK0s #name of the cluster instance not the name of the cluster
enabled: false
type: k0s
config: "${HOME}/.k3ai/kubeconfig" #default location of config file or your existing config file to copy
clusterName: demo-wsl-k0s #name of the cluster (this need to be the same as in a config file)
clusterDeployment: local
clusterStart: "k0s default-config | tee ${HOME}/.k3ai/k0s.yaml && sudo bash -ic 'k0s server -c ${HOME}/.k3ai/k0s.yaml --enable-worker > /dev/null 2>&1 &' && sudo cat /var/lib/k0s/pki/admin.conf > $HOME/.k3ai/k0s-config"
# If the OS is not needed may be removed so the three below are mutually exclusive, if not needed set them to null or remove it
wsl: ""
linux: ""
# Everything from this repo will be ran in this cluster. You trust me right?
- repo:
- repo:
- name: localKind #name of the cluster instance not the name of the cluster
enabled: true
type: kind
config: #default location of config file or your existing config file to copy
clusterName: demo-win-kind #name of the cluster (this need to be the same as in a config file)
clusterDeployment: local
clusterStart: "kind create cluster"
# If the OS is not needed may be removed so the three below are mutually exclusive, if not needed set them to null or remove it
wsl: ""
mac: ""
linux: ""
windows: ""
# Everything from this repo will be ran in this cluster. You trust me right?
- repo:
name: jupyter-minimal
- repo:
- name: localK3d #name of the cluster instance not the name of the cluster
enabled: false
type: k3d
config: #default location of config file or your existing config file to copy
clusterName: demo-win-k3d #name of the cluster (this need to be the same as in a config file)
clusterDeployment: local
clusterStart: "k3d cluster create"
# If the OS is not needed may be removed so the three below are mutually exclusive, if not needed set them to null or remove it
wsl: ""
mac: ""
linux: ""
windows: ""
# Everything from this repo will be ran in this cluster. You trust me right?
- repo:
name: jupyter-minimal
- repo:
- name: remoteK3s #name of the cluster instance not the name of the cluster
enabled: false
type: k3s
config: remote #default location of config file or your existing config file to copy if Remote will be copy from remote location
clusterName: demo-cluster-remote #name of the cluster (this need to be the same as in a config file)
clusterDeployment: cloud
# If the OS is not needed may be removed so the three below are mutually exclusive, if not needed set them to null or remove it
cloudType: civo
cloudNodes: 1
cloudSecretPath: $HOME/.k3ai/secret.txt
# Everything from this repo will be ran in this cluster. You trust me right?
- repo: ""
name: "demo"
- repo: ""
name: "demo2"
Last updated