How to Build Your First Plugin

Building plugins for k3ai is very simple. This guide will walk you through the steps required to build a plugin and contribute to the project.

The first step is to learn the structure of the plugins repository:****

The repo is structured in a very simple way.

  • core

    • groups

    • plugins

  • common

  • community

Coreis the root folder it includes plugins and groups

Plugins are the actual application to be deployed, for each plugin folder there is a plugin.yaml file.

Groups are a combination of various plugins to be installed altogether

Under common you'll find all the manifests or files needed by more than one plugin. Those are sort of reusable components (i.e.: treafik ingress definitions for plugins).

k3ai supports custom repositories for plugins and groups so this means you may have your own instead of using our public ones.

Let's create a local repo and deploy a "hello-world" plugin.

First, we have to create the basic structure. So let's create anywhere on your laptop a structure like this:

  • demo

    • core

      • groups

      • plugins

        • demo-plugin

          • plugin.yaml

    • common

      • demo-plugin

        • deployment.yaml

Now let's open the plugin.yaml file and copy the below content in it.

plugin-name: demo-plugin
plugin-description: Demo of a custom local plugin
namespace: "default"
  - url: "./commons/demo-plugin/deployment.yaml"
    type: "file"

Save the file and open the deployment.yaml. Copy&Paste the following content.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: shell-demo
  - name: shared-data
    emptyDir: {}
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - name: shared-data
      mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
  hostNetwork: true
  dnsPolicy: Default

We are ready let's check the plugin list with

k3ai list --repo "<absolute path to root folder>/"

#k3ai list --repo "home/user/core/"

You should get something like this

k3ai list --repo "<absolute path to root folder>/"

Name                           Description
demo-plugin                    A simple demo of a local plugin

Great! Now let's apply the plugin to our environment

k3ai apply --repo "<absolute path to root folder>/"

Now let's check if the pod is running with

kubectl get pod shell-demo

shell-demo   1/1     Running   0          3m9s

We are ready so let's execute a command inside our plugin. Copy and Paste the below command into your terminal.

kubectl exec --stdin --tty shell-demo -- /bin/bash -c "apt-get update > /dev/null && apt-get -y install boxes > /dev/null &&  echo 'Hey, this is K3ai! Thanks for use this.' | boxes -d peek"

If everything goes right you should see something like this

/*       _\|/_
         (o o)
 |Hey, this is K3ai! Thanks for use this.|

Congratulation you created your first plugin. Now to delete it simply execute

k3ai delete --repo "<absolute path to root folder>/"

Last updated