Plugins PyTorch Operator Kubeflow PyTorch-Job Training Operator
PyTorch is a Python package that provides two high-level features:
Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration
Deep neural networks built on a tape-based autograd system
You can reuse your favorite Python packages such as NumPy, SciPy, and Cython to extend PyTorch when needed. More information at ** or the PyTorch site
Quick Start
As usual, let's deploy PyTorch with one single line command
Copy k3ai apply pytorch-op
Test You PyTorch-Job installation
We will use the MNISE example from the Kubeflow PyTorch-Job repo at ****
As usual, we want to avoid complexity so we re-worked a bit the sample and make it way much more easier.
Step 1
You'll see tha in the example a container need to be created before running the sample, we merged the container commands directly in the YAML file so now it's one-click job.
For CPU only
Copy kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion : ""
kind : "PyTorchJob"
metadata :
name : "pytorch-dist-mnist-gloo"
namespace : kubeflow
spec :
pytorchReplicaSpecs :
Master :
replicas : 1
restartPolicy : OnFailure
template :
metadata :
annotations : : "false"
spec :
containers :
- name : pytorch
image : pytorch/pytorch:1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime
command : [ 'sh' , '-c' , 'pip install tensorboardX==1.6.0 && mkdir -p /opt/mnist/src && cd /opt/mnist/src && curl -O && chgrp -R 0 /opt/mnist && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mnist && python /opt/mnist/src/' ]
args : [ "--backend" , "gloo" ]
Worker :
replicas : 1
restartPolicy : OnFailure
template :
metadata :
annotations : : "false"
spec :
containers :
- name : pytorch
image : pytorch/pytorch:1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime
command : [ 'sh' , '-c' , 'pip install tensorboardX==1.6.0 && mkdir -p /opt/mnist/src && cd /opt/mnist/src && curl -O && chgrp -R 0 /opt/mnist && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mnist && python /opt/mnist/src/' ]
args : [ "--backend" , "gloo" ]
If you have GPU enabled you may run it this way
Copy kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion : ""
kind : "PyTorchJob"
metadata :
name : "pytorch-dist-mnist-gloo"
namespace : kubeflow
spec :
pytorchReplicaSpecs :
Master :
replicas : 1
restartPolicy : OnFailure
template :
metadata :
annotations : : "false"
spec :
containers :
- name : pytorch
image : pytorch/pytorch:1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime
command : [ 'sh' , '-c' , 'pip install tensorboardX==1.6.0 && mkdir -p /opt/mnist/src && cd /opt/mnist/src && curl -O && chgrp -R 0 /opt/mnist && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mnist && python /opt/mnist/src/' ]
args : [ "--backend" , "gloo" ]
# Change the value of based on your configuration
resources :
limits : : 1
Worker :
replicas : 1
restartPolicy : OnFailure
template :
metadata :
annotations : : "false"
spec :
containers :
- name : pytorch
image : pytorch/pytorch:1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime
command : [ 'sh' , '-c' , 'pip install tensorboardX==1.6.0 && mkdir -p /opt/mnist/src && cd /opt/mnist/src && curl -O && chgrp -R 0 /opt/mnist && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mnist && python /opt/mnist/src/' ]
args : [ "--backend" , "gloo" ]
# Change the value of based on your configuration
resources :
limits : : 1
Step 2
Check if pod are deployed correctly with
Copy kubectl get pod -l pytorch-job-name=pytorch-dist-mnist-gloo -n kubeflow
It should ouput something like this
pytorch-dist-mnist-gloo-master-0 1/1 Running 0 2m26s
pytorch-dist-mnist-gloo-worker-0 1/1 Running 0 2m26s
Step 3
Check logs result of your training job
Copy kubectl logs -l pytorch-job-name=pytorch-dist-mnist-gloo -n kubeflow
You should observe an output similar to this (since we are using 1 Master and 1 worker in this case)
Copy Train Epoch: 1 [55680/60000 (93%)] loss = 0.0341
Train Epoch: 1 [56320/60000 (94%)] loss = 0.0357
Train Epoch: 1 [56960/60000 (95%)] loss = 0.0774
Train Epoch: 1 [57600/60000 (96%)] loss = 0.1186
Train Epoch: 1 [58240/60000 (97%)] loss = 0.1927
Train Epoch: 1 [58880/60000 (98%)] loss = 0.2050
Train Epoch: 1 [59520/60000 (99%)] loss = 0.0642
accuracy = 0.9660
Train Epoch: 1 [55680/60000 (93%)] loss = 0.0341
Train Epoch: 1 [56320/60000 (94%)] loss = 0.0357
Train Epoch: 1 [56960/60000 (95%)] loss = 0.0774
Train Epoch: 1 [57600/60000 (96%)] loss = 0.1186
Train Epoch: 1 [58240/60000 (97%)] loss = 0.1927
Train Epoch: 1 [58880/60000 (98%)] loss = 0.2050
Train Epoch: 1 [59520/60000 (99%)] loss = 0.0642
accuracy = 0.9660